
Harini Balakrishnan

Software Engineer (MS) | Certified Cloud Developer

Experienced Software engineer with 3+ years of industry experience and a master's degree majoring in Cloud Computing. Certified from AWS and Azure Cloud Providers. Machine Learning enthusiast.

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About Me

I’m Harini, an experienced Software Engineer in SF Bay Area. Graduated from SJSU in 2019 with a Master's Degree. 4+ years experienced developer with knowledge in Cloud Technologies, Containerization, Automation and Machine Learning. Thank you for visiting my profile.



Way4R alias ‘wayfarer’ means a person who loves to travel on foot. A map application with features like getting nearby places suggestions, customized markers, getting more information about places like the address, phone number, star rating and their website link. This application is built using android studio with Google Maps Android API, Google Places API and Google SignIn.

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A cloud native SaaS application that has been designed to address many of the difficulties encountered by both the business owners and the customers in the hospitality industry. I have used AWS cloud services like Lex, Polly, QuickSight, Docker images, Micro services, Containers, AWS ES, AWS API gateway with Jenkins.

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Crafted a RESTful website to spin up a virtual machine of desired application like MySQL, Tomcat with full orchestration. I designed responsive UI, implemented REST API, crowd sourced data using OpenStack API. I have used Bootstrap for front-end, Go for back-end, OpenStack services includes: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Heat with VirtualBox and GitHub.

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Poto booth

It is a cloud born 3 tier web application, that provides the users a secured environment to upload, download, view and modify their image files. I have used Rails, PostgreSQL, AWS S3, EC2, ELB, AutoScaling, CDN, Lambda, SNS, Jenkins, R53 and many other AWS cloud services.

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An application that shortens, saves and allows to share your URLs with the world. The entire fleet of micro services are run as Docker containers inside of Kubernetes. I have used Prometheus, PagerDuty,BEK (Beats, Elasticsearch, Kibana), CI/CD using Fabric8, Single-Sign-On (SSO) using reverse proxy and Nginx.

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Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is an iOS app for pedestrians to crowd source information about real time hazards to improve overall community safety. I have used Swift 3, Mapkit Apple API, Cocopods, Corelocation API, FireBase Database, Xcode.

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Playtest Inc (A Set Game)

A traditional set game to match three cards based on shading, colors, numbers and shapes. Implemented Twilio Authy API for password retrieval, tested using Travis CI, and deployed in Heroku cloud application platform

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Spin the wheel

Spin the Wheel is an educational quiz game designed as a fun and interactive way to learn about various topics. Utilized Twilio Notify API for SMS notifications for games scores. Implemented GreenSock's Animation Platform and Winwheel.js for a spinning wheel with three levels of rotation speed.

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Vision Acuity Test

In a team of three, we built an app from scratch in android that helps people to test vision power deficiency and color blindness. VAT is Vision Acuity Test, which checks for the aberrations in eyes, color blindness using Snellen's and LogMAR chart. The work was demoed live to more than 300 students and professors in my university and got published as a research paper in the IRAJ magazine. This project received recognition and got selected in the IEEE “UKSim2014” conference at Cambridge University, London.

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Incedo Inc

Software Developer (Cloud/ML)

Working as a part of the product development team in operationalization ML based product development pipeline to empower data-driven decisions. Effectively engineered managing large batches of real-time user data, infrastructure automation both on-prem and on the cloud. Built the ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) service for databases like PostgreSQL, Redshift and MongoDB. Developed installation framework for the product services with end-to-end scripting.Work alongside data scientists in developing predictive modeling that addresses business issues and led the team in deploying sophisticated machine learning models with reproducible results including a regular cadence of deployment.

San Jose State University

Teaching/Research Assistant

Analyzed various datasets using classification, regression, clustering, pattern recognition and Natural Language Processing. Successfully balanced administrative work, academic tutoring and performed research on real-time Fake News prediction. Using Machine Learning Libraries like Pandas, Numpy, Sklearn, NLTK, Gensim, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scipy, WordCloud. Gained knowledge in Classification, Regression, and Clustering Algorithms.

Grabit Inc, Sunnyvale CA

Software Engineer Intern

Worked in a team responsible for building and maintaining high performance distributed robotic system. Worked in a team responsible for building robotic conveyors to handle packages at FedEx• Developed highly scalable continuous monitoring and alerting service in NodeJS with high performance dashboard with metrics to track system's performance• Securely managed large streams of real-time sensor data and fully automated data analysis using Python and Tableau. Built RESTful MVC 3-tire web application in NodeJS using Eclipse, designed a responsive dashboards using Bootstrap and troubleshoot new back-end features. Developed threshold criteria for alerting critical system events with notification distribution. Participated in code reviews, design discussions, bug fixes and maintenance of the modules developed.

CEM Business Solutions

Software Developer

Worked in a team responsible for managing the Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP software functionalities, demonstrating the product work flow, gathering customer requirements and develop user experience with new features,update existing features utilizing server-side code in X++ (MorphX) in an Agile environment. Responsible for front-end architecture and development using DHTML(JavaScript and HTML). Write test scripts and test the functionalities of the core Microsoft Dynamics AX modules like Payroll and HR management. Provided pre and post-go-live support. Collaboratively interacted with the my team and delivered profitable projects with customizations. Implemented practical business solutions with using industry best practices.

CEM Business Solutions

Software Engineer Intern

Responsibilities included analysis, estimation, design, development, testing, delivery and deployment of ERP based software application. Gained an in-depth understanding of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 modules. Designed and developed application UX/UI using HTML and JavaScript, frameworks and libraries. Worked collaboratively with a cross-functional team to define and develop product Help and Support System.Diagnosed and analyzed AX software functional issues. Wrote unit test cases and prepare test scripts.


San Jose State University

August 2017 - May 2019

Master of Science in Software Engineering

Graduating in May 2019 and current GPA is 3.8/4.0. Specialization in Cloud Computing, DevOps and Mobile Application Development. There are 10 courses with two capstone projects with Graduate Writing Assessment. Developed cross-platform, cloud native applications with CI/CD. Won First Prize from IBM (Interview Link) and won the best hardware project award from Sierra Circuits in the Call for Code Hackathon by IBM on September 2018. Certified from AWS as Cloud Practitioner with License no: F0JH3PV22M4E1HST on January 2018.

Dev Bootcamp

January 2017 - May 2017

Full Stack Web Development

An intensive web development training program (+1500 hours over 19 weeks) focusing on skills such as Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Object Oriented JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, and SQL, GitHub, TravisCI and Source Control, Test-Driven Development, Heroku and Agile Development. Got exposed to latest products like IBM ,Twilio, PubNub API’s.Led a 4-member team and built a service to crowd-source details about hazards in the neighborhood. Built expertise in pair-programming, user stories, time-boxing, and Test-Driven Development

Anna University

August 2010 - May 2014

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology

Graduated with 3.63/4.0 GPA. Published my final year project in IRAJ Journal and got selected for the IEEE conference in Cambridge university, London. Did 3 other projects with guidance from talented professors and supportive classmates. Attended several symposiums and workshops. I was elected as the Information Technology department secretary in my final year. I got an opportunity to be a member of the Research and Development team for 2 years.




Python, Java, YAML
JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS
Cloud: AWS, GCP; ML : Pandas, Numpy
Android, NodeJS, REST API
Prometheus, Jenkins, ELK
Dockers, Kubernetes
DynamoDB, MongoDB, NLTK,
MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
AngularJS, Spring boot

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